The Guild plans several in-person events
![]() Dear Guild members and friends:
Happy Spring. I can say that, even if we have another big snowfall. Things are looking up for us, both in weather and in pandemic news. As people are getting vaccinated and feeling more comfortable to return to their interests, hobbies and passions, we open up ticket sales for our first annual Kentucky Derby Party. Learn more about it by reading the next column's article, and follow the link through to purchase your tickets. We expect that with the party capped at 100 patrons and friends, you would like to purchase your ticket soon. Maestro Thomas Wilson led us through our first Listening Club last Tuesday. We have had a lot of people sign up for the Listening Club. If you did sign up, you do not need to sign up again. You will automatically be notified about next month's program, and will have access to each month's PDF, as well as recorded excerpts from Maestro Wilson's discussion. Our second installment is on Tuesday, May 18, 2 p.m. If you are seeking previous PDFs or discussions, go to the Listening Club page here. Sincerely, Joy Maples A wrap-up of CSYSA program in March
Our sincere thanks to Guild member Victor Thacker for providing us a few photographs and this remarkable video from our March program.
And one more time, let's hear it for the winners of the Young Artist Solo Competition sponsored by the C S Philharmonic Guild. Bravo!!
1st Place- Regan Buttermore, flute 2nd Place-Theo Tillman, string bass 3rd Place-Caleb Seifert, cello 4th Place- Leon Baker III, violin 5th Place - Jasmine Mathisen, clarinet Welcome New and Renewing Members
Nancy Seigel
Kentucky Derby party: May 1, 3 to 6 p.m.
Join the Guild, and hosts Bob and Mary Ellen White, Saturday, May 1, 3 to 6 pm. We will enjoy a lovely afternoon, all dressed up in our favorite Derby attire. Check here for ideas and of course, prepare for the Derby Hat Contest. Our Kentucky Derby hat contest judges are: Mayor John and Janet Suthers, Vicki Dimond, and Dianne Derby. We will enjoy a bourbon tasting with Gregor from Downtown Fine Spirits and Wine, a live broadcast of the Derby, and of course, a friendly wager of which horse is going to Win Place or Show. Buy your tickets today. We are limiting our ticket sales to the the first 100 people. Thank you for your support of symphonic music in Colorado Springs. We thank our sponsors: El Pomar Foundation and Reunion Homes.
Youth and music partnerships for Guild
It is a privilege to usher children into the world of music. We can do it at home with our own children and grandchildren. Of course, this assumes that we know, understand and play music. For those of us who did not learn an instrument, but yet, did develop a love and appreciation for music -- public, private and charter schools can help bridge that gap. We are working on a few partnerships including a potential working relationship with a violin program at Bristol Elementary School, as well as an additional partnership with an already awesome partner -- the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony, as they head into summer and the opportunity to work with the Youth Symphony on a summer camp series. Stay tuned for details as we work through the process.
A reminder of the Guild's sheet music library
In 2003, The Colorado Springs Symphony Guild (as it was called then), desiring to further promote the musical arts in Colorado Springs and the liberal arts mission of Colorado College, made a gift of the Symphony Library to the College. Currently housed in Packard Hall on the Colorado College campus, this vast collection of over 800 orchestral scores and parts is available for use by orchestral groups residing in El Paso County. The following guidelines pertain to its use:
• The College has the primary right to use the Symphony Library for its educational purposes. However, whenever reasonably practicable, the College shall make the Symphony Library available upon request to other established symphonic organizations of all levels, based in El Paso County.
Enjoy reading past "e" newsletters here.
We have been producing our online "e" newsletter since August 2019. We do hope you are enjoying the newsletter. Catch up on past issues here. If there is something that you want included or something you would like to see us cover, please let us know here.
Renew your Guild membership
Thank you so much for continuing with "business as usual" and investing in the Guild as we move into uncharted waters. Renew here.